Google Drive File Moves


Starting on Saturday, June 27th, IT will begin moving user’s Google MyDrive Data to their google account. This move should be seamless for most users. You will notice a new shared drive folder in your google drive that is used to assist in the move. It may have data in it from time to time. During the initial move to the google domain, we added links to the files in your old UMSL google account. We are now moving the actual data over. This move will make your google account the owner of the files as well. The entire move for all users is expected to take up to 4 weeks to complete as there is a great deal of data that is getting moved. You should not see any real changes to your google data and you can continue to use your google account as normal.

It you are having issues with your Google Drive files after the move, please contact the Technology Support Center.
For additional help or more information on the Google move visit and

Posted: 6/25/20 3:13 pm
Last updated: 10/13/20 2:45 pm
Event type: Informational
Current status: Resolved
Service Google Apps & Drive